21 research outputs found


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    The paper investigates a non-fragile robust control strategy for a half-car active suspension system considering human-body dynamics. A 4-DoF uncertain vibration model of the driver’s body is combined with the car’s model in order to make the controller design procedure more accurate. The desired controller is obtained by solving a linear matrix inequality formulation. Then the performance of the active suspension system with the designed controller is compared to the passive one in both frequency and time domain simulations. Finally, the effect of the controller gain variations on the closed-loop system performance is investigated numerically

    Ionic polymer-metal composite (IPMC) sensors

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    Ionic polymer-metal composites (IPMCs) which are fabricated from an ionomeric membrane, infused with mobile counterions and sandwiched between two thin noble metal electrodes, offer an outstanding capability to transform electrical energy into mechanical energy and vice versa which makes them an appropriate candidate for actuators and sensors. The purpose of this dissertation is to characterize and model IPMCs in sensory mode, develop a new fabrication procedure to improve their flexibility and humidity dependence and take advantage of IPMCs’ exceptional properties in the fabrication of several biomedical instruments to measure some physiological signals such as plantar pressure distribution, blood pulse and tactile forces. For this aim, some IPMC dynamic pressure sensors in bending, compression and shear modes of deformation are designed based on streaming potential hypothesis, fabricated utilizing direct assembly process (DAP) and calibrated in a standard shock pressure tube which provides a broad evaluation of the linearity, sensitivity and reliability of IPMC sensors. Also, to develop a reliable model of applicable sensors that could be used for real-time purposes, three explicit, dynamic, physics-based, rational transfer functions are derived by solving IPMC governing partial differential equation (PDE) in Laplace domain for compression, shear and bending modes. Derived models not only have terms of fundamental material parameters and sensor dimensions but also offer simplicity. Next, to resolve the fragility of electrodes and strong humidity dependence, IPMCs with highly flexible electrodes using sputtered gold thin film and coated with a waterproof acrylic material are fabricated. Conducting some experiments over a period of time shows the improved reliability evidently. In order to develop a self-powered flexible insole, eight circular IPMC pressure sensors are fabricated and fixed on the measuring insole at some specific anatomic areas. The fabricated smart insole is utilized for the real-time plantar pressure distribution analysis of a subject during static stance and gait cycle during walking and running. Produced colormaps based on measured signals are realistic and show a good agreement with those from commercial smart insoles. Finally, IPMCs are developed for monitoring blood pulse wave and as a flexible touch sensor and recorded signals are discussed

    Forecasting the Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Gross Domestic Product in Iran

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    ICT has been considered as one of the factors that has affected productivity growth in the literature on economic growth for less than two decades. The ICT capital conveys the features of knowledge capital, so it can influence productivity growth both through capital deepening and its spillover effects. There have been many studies in the literature on the effect of ICT on GDP; however, the effect of ICT on GDP growth in the international context is less known. This study examines the relationship between ICT spillovers and GDP growth using a time series data method for Iran during 1980-2008.The result of this comparison showed that using a system approach can significantly increase the prediction accuracy. Finally, using the selected patterns, the impact of ICT on GDP for the period 2009 to 2020 is predicted. And result indicated that the impact of ICT on GDP will be increase to 2% in 2020. Keyword: Information and communication technology, gross Domestic Production, time series model, VA

    E-Government Effect on Economic in Iran

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    Iran can more effectively harness information and communication technology (ICT) to increase competitiveness, reduce inequality, and perfect its goals that most Iranians espouse. This case study presents evidence of the importance of leadership and a broadly shared vision to drive coordination of e-development policies and programs, leverage local innovations and lessons of experience, and scale up successes for a large, diverse country. These include e-government, digital inclusion, human resource development, broadband Internet connectivity, and the expansion of the ICT industry. A more comprehensive e-development strategy at every level in Iran’s government system will require a whole of government approach and more effective coordination from near the top of the government with strong leadership and support from the chief executive. Specific efforts to develop e-leadership and promote a broad understanding of the benefits of e-development can contribute to successful implementation.   Keywords: Iran, ICT industry, e-Development, e-Leadership, e-Government

    FDI and ICT effects on productivity growth in Middle East countries

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    Economic growth theories predict that economic growth is driven by investments in Information and Communication Technology (ICT).  In this paper we studied the effects stemming from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on productivity growth. The analysis is based on panel data covering Middle East countries during the period 1990–2010. The growth accounting results indicate that the growth contribution of ICT and FDI was quite low this countries. The econometric results showed a positive and significant impact of ICT and FDI in these countries. Keywords: FDI, ICT, growth, productivity, economic development

    Modeling, identification and active vibration control of a funnel-shaped structure used in MRI throat

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    The purpose of this paper is designing an optimal controller for vibration suppression of a funnel-shaped smart structure with distributed piezoelectric actuators and sensors applicable in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) system. This can help sensitive human beings from vibration and acoustic noise syndrome. Also, the vibration suppression in this structure prevents the test results to be damaged, which is an important issue in medical tests. For this aim, the problem of the vibration control for the funnel-shaped inlet structure of the MRI tomography is stated and the structure is described, first. Then the task of the structure modeling is tackled applying the FEM approach. Identification of the dynamic frequency response of the desired funnel is performed using the modal-based identification method and the state space model is obtained. Then, the control design for the structure is considered using LQG control method. Complete design and control development procedure is implemented in order to reduce the vibration magnitude of a funnel-shaped shell. Finally, the performance of the designed controllers in both frequency domain and time domain are compared with the open loop systems and results are discussed

    Consideration the Causality between Information Communications Technology and Economic Growth in Iran

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    In this paper, we examine the Iran the causal relationship between information and communications technology (ICT) development and economic growth in. The Granger causality test is performed following the cointegration approach to reveal the direction of causality between ICT development and economic growth. Test results indicate that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship that runs from ICT development to economic growth in Iran; and a one-way directional causality of growth-led ICT development for Iran is evidenced. A discussion follows based on the empirical findings. Keywords: Information and communications technology, economic growth, Granger causality.

    Impact of economic development indicators, information and communication technology on economic growth in Iran with ARDL approach

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    Investigation the indicators such as economic development and sustainable growth and human development and information and communication technology (ICT) and ITIL indicators has an important role in economic development. This article examines the impact of economic development indicators on Iran's economic growth in the period 1370-1390 using the ARDL approach. We use autoregressive distributed lag approach to estimate the cointegration relationship and short term dynamics. In this model the coefficient of error correction term equal -0.70 which that is found to be negative and statistically significant suggesting a rapidly adjustment of error correction factor that reflects the increasing rate is adjusted. The results of estimating the pattern of growth with an emphasis on purchasing power parity, stable income, per capita income, human development and information and communication technology in Iran using the ARDL models show that  ICT and ITIL indicators has a significant effect on economic growth. We find that the coefficient of ICT, equal 0.12 which shows that a unit of increase in ICT, lead to 0.12 percent increase in economic growth. Impact of other variables such as stable income on economic growth equal to 3.87 and purchasing power parity index coefficient equal to 2.28 and the impact of per capita income on economic growth equal to 4.48. Keywords: information and communication technology, economic growth, ARDL model, error correction model. JEL Classification: C22, E23, O40, O3

    Evaluation of the Effect of Intravenous Ondansetron versus Placebo before Anesthesia on Vomiting after Endoscopy and Colonoscopy Procedures

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    Background: Vomiting is a common complication after endoscopic procedures in children. Different medications could be administered to control vomiting after endoscopy. The goal of this study is to evaluate anti-emetic effects of ondansetron in children who undergo endoscopic procedures.Methods: In this clinical randomized trial, 198 children (103 female/95 male) were randomly assigned into one of the following two studied groups. Case group (G1): Fentanyl 1 µg/kg + propofol 2.5 mg/kg + ondansetron 0.15 mg/kg and control group (G2): Fentanyl 1 µg/kg + propofol 2.5 mg/kg + 2 cc normal saline.Results: The mean age was 6.3 ± 3.5 years (6.2 ± 3.6 years in G1 vs. 6.4 ± 3.5 years in G2). The most common cause of endoscopy procedure in both groups was hematochezia. Vomiting, recovery time, Paediatric Anesthesia Emergence Delirium (PAED), and Aldrete scores were compared. Rate of vomiting after recovery and Aldrete score were significantly different between the two groups.Conclusions:Ondansetron is effective in controlling vomiting after colonoscopy and upper gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures. Also, patients in intervention group experienced better recovery time

    Dynamic Response of a Thick Piezoelectric Circular Cylindrical Panel: An Exact Solution

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    One of the interesting fields that attracted many researchers in recent years is the smart structures. The piezomaterials, because of their ability in converting both mechanical stress and electricity to each other, are very applicable in this field. However, most of the works available used various inexact two-dimensional theories with certain types of simplification, which are inaccurate in some applications such as thick shells while, in some applications due to request of large displacement/stress, thick piezoelectric panel is needed and two-dimensional theories have not enough accuracy. This study investigates the dynamic steady state response and natural frequency of a piezoelectric circular cylindrical panel using exact three-dimensional solutions based on this decomposition technique. In addition, the formulation is written for both simply supported and clamped boundary conditions. Then the natural frequencies, mode shapes, and dynamic steady state response of the piezoelectric circular cylindrical panel in frequency domain are validated with commercial finite element software (ABAQUS) to show the validity of the mathematical formulation and the results will be compared, finally